98.1 The Beat, WLOR 1550 AM Radio station own by Rocket City Broadcasting presents Beat the Clock for Cash contest.
Contest Rules:
Beat The Clock for Cash contest starts October 18, 2018 at around 7:15am. Each morning on the following days Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday around 7:15am we will give a contest clue for that day. Contest clues will be one word or a combination of words. Once the word or combination of words are announced around 7:15am, Listeners will be asked to listen from 10AM to 7PM. Each day Monday through Wednesday from 10am to 7pm 98.1 The Beat Air Personalities will take caller number 9 to give the morning clue. Each time caller number 9 has the correct clue word or words of the day, that listener will qualify to win cash (company check) from Rocket City Broadcasting.
All qualifying listener names will be entered into a registration box for the weekly Thursday drawing to win. Each Thursday 98.1 the Beat WLOR 1550 AM, will give away $800 ($100 each to eight people), if they BEAT THE CLOCK. Each Thursday around the following hours 11:20am, 12:20pm, 1:20pm, 2:20pm, 3:20pm, 4:20pm, 5:20pm and 6:20pm, the 98.1 The Beat On-Air Personality will pull names from the registration box that holds the names of the weeks qualifiers. When the listeners name is called they will have ninety eight seconds (:98 seconds) (1 minute 38 seconds) to claim their $100. If the person that name is called does not call in the allotted: 98 seconds, they have forfeited their chance to win for that week and may play again next week. If the listener which name has been announced, calls 256-536-1450 within the :98 seconds, that listener will win the $100, that listener is not allowed to win any cash or prize contest for 60 days thereafter. No one can call for another person; you will be required to answer questions to assure you are the person of the name that’s called.
You may only enter once per week and may only win the $100 once. At the end of each weeks contest we will destroy all names and that week’s registrations box and start over the next week. If you have not won any of the $100 given away you may play the contest each week.
To enter the Beat the Clock contest you must be age 18 or older, a legal resident of the USA, must provide legal valid (not expired) state issue ID from a US state. Rocket City Broadcasting reserves the rights to verify and approve age, ID, legal status before issue of any winnings. The winnings will be in the form of a company check. Winners will be required to come to the radio station fill out the paper work to receive check by mail.
THE BEAT THE CLOCK for CASH contest starts around 7:15am October 18, 2018 and Ends November 15, 2018
People listing on mobile devices and online may experience a delay in hearing any announcements made and heard on the radio frequency of 98.1FM and 1550AM. With this in mind, we will start the stop watch and allow it to run three minutes after announcement is made before actual disqualification. WLOR 1550am, 98.1 The Beat and Rocket City Broadcasting reserve to change contest rules or cancel contest at any time without advance notice for any reason satisfactory to ourselves.